Basically, we re-habilitate, re-train and re-home ACD’s whose previous homes have disappeared. This happens for a wide variety of reasons: But, the most frequent problem is someone chooses a breed of dog which is not suitable either to his/her own temperament or lifestyle. If you are a dog person, you can’t believe the reasons that people give up a dog – but it happens all the time. Almost always, it is absolutely no reflection on the dogs and how super they are. They just get lost in the shuffle.
Most of our dogs are beyond the puppy stage. We are amazed by the number of people who think they want a puppy. Having lived with these older dogs, we appreciate the many benefits of a mature dog. Most are already house-trained, leash trained, and have manners. Puppies were made cute for a reason – to make you forget the shoes they ate, the plants they demolished, the messes they made, and all the times they drove you crazy…